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At Poisson Rouge we are accredited to work with a wide variety of psychometric instruments that assess behavioural preferences, emotional intelligence, aptitude and ability. All the assessment tools we work with have very strong scientific and norm data validity and are subject to regular scrutiny by bodies such as the British Psychological Society.

Focus Areas


  • General intelligence & mental processing (trainability)

  • Emotional intelligence - trait personality theory

  • High potential indicators

  • Behavioural preferences

  • Team compatability

  • Interpersonal compatibility

  • Big '5' personality traits

  • Role suitability

  • Complexity management

Available Formats

Most assessments are delivered online and require on average bewteen 10-30 minutes to complete.

Responses are processed digitally and full reports are produced for each individual candidate / participant.

Group and individual feedback sessions are tailored as required to meet the specific development and recruitment needs of our clients.

Who Should Participate? 

Anyone looking to recruit, develop, manage and retain talent

Participants Will

Participants will have a much greater, in-depth knowledge of how and why they behave, communicate and respond to others in the way that they do. They will understand how they can modify their behaviour as required and utilise this information to also better understand other peoples' behaviours.

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